Happy Days

The Grenfell Action Group is extremely happy, proud and very relieved, to at last be able to welcome and congratulate Jeremy Corbyn as the first radical leftist leader of the Labour Party for many years. We hope for and expect significant change in the way this country is governed as a result of the pressure that will inevitably be brought to bear on the current right-wing government from a truly left-wing opposition, and we look forward with renewed hope to the day when the people of Britain will again elect a left-wing Labour government in the UK.

Mr Corbyn overwhelmingly won the endorsement of the Kensington Labour Party in his bid to become Labour leader. Unfortunately the malign influence of Blairism has for too long allowed our local Councillors to mould the labour Group at Hornton Street into a machine that has worked in seamless collusion with the neo-cons in the Tory majority rather than against them. Hopefully, Corbyn’s election will force out the old guard from the RBKC Labour Group who should look to find local canditates to replace them who truly understand and embrace the left wing Corbyn ideology.

No doubt the local members of RBKC Labour Group will claim that they have always been part of the more radical left and that they welcome Corbyn’s appointment.

Shame they have kept so quite about this over the past 20 years or so……

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