
According to an article published in the Independent in September last year Government plans to extend the Right to Buy scheme mean local authorities may be forced to sell off 113,000 council homes, a move that would mean Kensington and Chelsea Council may be forced to dispose of a staggering 97% of their housing stock. A similar article appeared in the Guardian the following day.

Both articles draw heavily on a study conducted by housing charity ‘Shelter’ which explores the history of Right to Buy, highlighting the continuing failure to reprovide social housing lost through this programme. Both articles focus particularly on the likely effects of the extension of Right to Buy to 1.3 million housing association tenants under the provisions of the new Housing Bill. In future local authorities will be forced to sell all vacant council homes that are worth more than a set threshold to fund discounts of up to £100,000 for housing association tenants taking up the Right to Buy.

Read the full story here:



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