On Tuesday 12th December, bereaved relatives handed in a 16,600-strong petition to 10 Downing Street demanding that an impartial and independent decision-making panel sits alongside the government appointed inquiry chair, Sir Martin Moore-Bick, in leading the Grenfell inquiry. According to the rules that apply to petitions of government 10,000 signatures are enough to elicit a response from the Prime Minister. Unfortunately that response, deliverd on 22nd December, the very eve of christmas, was a resounding and implaccable no to the demands of the Grenfell community.

This leaves us now in a position where we must do it the hard way. We must find 100,000 signatures by 30th May 2018, at which point parliament will consider debating the petition.

Since the petition was submitted to Downing Street it has continued to attract signatures at a regular but slow pace and is now approaching 27,000 signatures. We need the pace to quicken, which means we need to extend our reach to communities bloggers and community activists countrywide who have not yet heard about the petition.

We strongly believe that there are at least 100,000 people in the  UK who believe in our cause and would gladly sign our petition if they knew about it, so we are asking any followers of this blog to contact other blogs or activist groups, wherever they are in the UK, to help spread the word as widely as possible.

The link to the petition is above. Below is a downloadable A4 flyer which can be printed and spread community-wide.


Grenfell Petition poster A4

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