mipimdemoMembers of the Grenfell Action Group were involved last Wednesday as dramatic scenes unfolded at the world’s largest property fair in Kensington Olympia. Protesters chanting ‘Block Boris’ and waving banners that read ‘Homes For People, Not Profit’ blockaded the building. You can read more about this, and watch a short You Tube video shot at one of the most dramtic moments of the day via the following link to the ‘London 24’ news site:

We hope to return shortly to the local Lancaster West issues that are our usual stock in trade, but we strongly believe that our local issues are part of a growing and much wider struggle, London-wide, UK-wide, Europe-wide, and probably worldwide.

We are proud now to be involved with the Radical Housing Network in London.(  We regret that when we first ‘took up arms’, on behalf of Lancaster West residents, struggling in vain to block the Kensington Academy project, at that time we had to fight alone. This is no longer the case, and we urge all our readers to become active in this growing movement against the destruction of our communities by the unprincipled thugs and profiteers under whose governance we are condemned to live and to struggle.

A very well known Lancaster West resident (who shall remain nameless) once uttered the following words to us:




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BLOCK BORIS – Demonstrate Against MIPIM This Wednesday!


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PROTEST AGAINST MIPIM IN LONDON – Homes for people not for profit!

The world’s largest property fair, known as MIPIM, is coming to London for the first time in its 25-year history. Hundreds of property developers, financiers and politicians will be welcomed by the Mayor of London when they converge on Olympia to do deals that allow them to profit from our land and our neighbourhoods.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday 15th October.

If you care about the future of our communities then this is your chance to make your voice heard.  We strongly urge all residents to join in what promises to be a major protest against MIPIM at Olympia starting at 9am on 15th October.


Read more about MIPIM protest movement here

and here;

Radical Housing Network

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Focus E15 Mothers – Liberating the Carpenters Estate


On Sunday 21 September, a nearly empty council estate in Stratford, East London was turned into a children’s party venue by a group of young mothers and their supporters. The Carpenters estate, empty since Newham Council decanted most of its residents, was bathed in the sound of dance music, children’s games and impromptu speeches as people of all ages gathered to celebrate the first anniversary of Focus E15 Mothers, a campaign organised by young homeless women for decent social housing and the right to stay in London.

During the event one of the empty blocks was re-occupied/liberated by some of the protesters. It has now been opened to the public and will be run as a social centre with an evolving programme of daily events, including a free comedy gig from Josie Long. All are welcome to come and view the house and engage in discussions about how to address the housing crisis.

Read the full story here:

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Blakeman and Coleridge And The Gulf of Mistrust


A couple of weeks ago, when we published our blog “Station Walk – Did Senior Councillors Lie?”, we promised to bring you more on this issue. We have known for a long time – you might say that even the dogs in the street have known – that promises made to our community by RBKC Labour and Conservative Councillors should always be treated with the utmost caution, and so, true to our word, today we bring you our second installment on this important story.

Our mistrust of those elected to represent and protect us is absolutely not mis-placed as it is now certain that the promises made to local residents by Councillor Blakeman (Labour) and Councillor Coleridge (Conservative) that Station Walk, our much loved and well used right-of-way, west of Grenfell Tower and parallel to the underground line, would re-open at the completion of the Kensington Aldridge Academy have been shamelessly broken.

These two RBKC Councillors should hang their heads in shame as we have good reason to believe they also played a part in persuading a certain community elder (who shall remain anonymous for now) living in Whitchurch House to withdraw his formal objection to the closure of Station Walk, which he had addressed to the Secretary of State, on the strength of the promise that these Councillors had made guaranteeing that Station Walk would re-open on completion of the Academy works. 

We believe that once “worked over” by these Councillors our civic-minded neighbour was persuaded to drop his objection to the Council’s plans over the loss of Station Walk.  It now appears that this vulnerable resident, and the wider community, were tricked and lied to and we shall be demanding an explanation from Blakeman and Coleridge.  

As the above photo clearly shows the academy sports hall, and facilities for locking up bicycles, are completely blocking the space where this crucial stretch of Station Walk should logically be re-instated and, with the Academy now having been open for a couple of weeks, there is no possibility of our promised right-of-way being returned to our community as promised.

An inspection of the amendments to the Kensington Aldridge Academy planning drawings, submitted to the Council for approval earlier this year, clearly shows that there is no plan to re-open our right-of-way and the plans even state that the existing wall should be simply reinstated. 

We have tried writing to those with power in Hornton Street (namely Councillor Feilding-Mellen) in order to clarify whether the Council plans to re-open Station Walk, as we have been promised, or whether we have been lied to as a community.

We eventually received the below response (from Amanda Johnson) that we believe clearly shows that the Council has no plans to re-open Station Walk in the forseeable future and strongly suggests that our community has been lied to by those with the power to abuse in Hornton Street:

From: Amanda Johnson (RBKC)
To: Grenfell Action Group
CC: Councillor Feilding-Mellen, Laura Johnson (RBKC)
Subject: Station Walk
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2014

Dear ********

 I am responding to your queries dated the 23rd and 29th July on Station Walk.

 Both Councillor Feilding-Mellen and Ms Laura Johnson are currently on leave and I am responding on their behalf.

 Currently we do not have a timescale for the re-opening of Station Walk. We will  be in a better position to  come back to residents when the building work on the school is completed and we have a better idea of potential access options involving the adjacent arches and access through the garage site.

 This has been delayed due to not progressing the matter as far as we would have liked with TFL. We will be continuing the discussion with them as we recognise the commitments we made.

 New access routes through the site will be a significant improvement on the previous ones and access through and around the leisure centre, school and surrounding estate will be transformed when the KALC development is completed.

 We will do everything we can to keep to our commitment we made to the local community.


 Amanda Johnson, Head of Housing Commissioning, RBKC

We have now written back to the Council querying the future of the Station Walk right-of-way using Freedom of Information legislation and we will be hoping to discover whether Councillors Blakeman or Coleridge, or any other Council representatives, have taken any personal steps to see that their promises are honoured.

The long and the short of it is that there is no possibility that Station Walk will re-open in the course of the next few weeks, nor indeed in the forseeable future. If, as we believe, this much cherished right-of-way proves to have been closed by Councillors abusing their powers, and using lies and deceit to hoodwink local residents, then we in the Grenfell Action Group will make it our business to do everything in our power to see that those responsible get their come-uppance.

Unlike some, we always try to keep our promises. Unfortunately, and this is a source of great frustration and regret to us, when confronted with the dictatorial power of the Hornton Street mafia, and the culture of impunity over which they preside, we have little power to do so. All we can do, as ever, is blow the whistle on them and hope that someone with power and integrity is listening.


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PETITION ALERT – Southwark Housing Scandal


Ever since our decision earlier this summer to join London’s “Radical Housing Network” we’ve had frequent briefings on issues arising elsewhere in London, and on the activities of other local action groups like our own. The latest of these little titbits that’s come our way concerns an online petition started recently by a Southwark resident calling on Eric Pickles, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local government, to investigate allegations of governance failure, poor financial management and potential fraud at the London Borough of Southwark, relating to the sale of the Heygate Estate.

According to the petition the redevelopment of the former Heygate Estate has displaced residents and led to financial losses for the taxpayer.

The petition provides an assortment of interesting estimates of the finances involved in the sale, which illustrate the scale of mismanagement by Southwark council:

  • Price paid by Lend Lease for 22-acre Heygate Estate site: £55m
  • Price paid for nearby Oakmayne/Tribeca Square 1.5-acre site: £40m
  • Expected total cost to Southwark Council for evicting residents: £65.5m
  • Previous estimate of cost to refurbish Heygate Estate to modern standard: £35m
  • Expected profit from sales for Lend Lease: £194m
  • Expected profit from sales for Southwark Council: £0
  • Average compensation given to leaseholders of one bedroom flat: £95,480
  • Average compensation given to leaseholders of four bedroom flats: £177,421
  • Lowest price unit in new development (one bedroom flat): £310,000
  • Number of social-rented units in Heygate Estate: 1,200
  • Number of social-rented units in new development: 79
    [Source: New Statesman]

Several former council workers involved in the negotiations with the private developer (Lend Lease) are now working for that developer. Details of this ‘revolving door’ are also outlined in the petition which calls on The Secretary of State to appoint inspectors to look into allegations of governance failure, poor financial management and potential fraud in relation to the redevelopment of the Heygate Estate.

We strongly urge our readers to sign this petition, which is available via the following link: an-investigation?recruiter=20746877&utm_campaign=twitter_link_action_box&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=share_petition

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